MollySVH: In the start gate with UCI Commissaire Randy Shafer. Photo credit: Richard Allen
MollySVH: Counting down to the start. Photo credit: Richard Allen
MollySVH: Rob ready to time. Photo credit: Richard Allen
MollySVH: Out of the saddle to get started. Photo used with permission of Instituto del Desportes de Aguascalientes
MollySVH: Out of the saddle to get started. Photo used with permission of Instituto del Desportes de Aguascalientes
MollySVH: Looking focused early on. Photo credit: Richard Allen
MollySVH: Another lonely lap. Photo credit: Richard Allen
MollySVH: Riding the black line. Photo credit: Richard Allen
MollySVH: Rounding the bend. Photo used with permission of Instituto del Desportes de Aguascalientes
MollySVH: Photo used with permission of Instituto del Desportes de Aguascalientes
MollySVH: Photo used with permission of Instituto del Desportes de Aguascalientes
MollySVH: Photos used with permission of Instituto del Desportes de Aguascalientes
MollySVH: Photo used with permission of Instituto del Desportes de Aguascalientes
MollySVH: Photo used with permission of Instituto del Desportes de Aguascalientes
MollySVH: Molly spent the last ten minutes in the pain cave. Photo used with permission of Instituto del Desportes de Aguascalientes
MollySVH: Molly spent the last ten minutes in the pain cave. Photo used with permission of Instituto del Desportes de Aguascalientes
MollySVH: Post-race pain face. Photo used with permission of Instituto del Desportes de Aguascalientes
MollySVH: Mission accomplished! Photo used with permission of Instituto del Desportes de Aguascalientes
MollySVH: Mission accomplished! Photo used with permission of Instituto del Desportes de Aguascalientes
MollySVH: Successful team effort! Photo used with permission of Instituto del Desportes de Aguascalientes
MollySVH: Final lap count. Photo used with permission of Instituto del Desportes de Aguascalientes
MollySVH: Final lap count. Photo used with permission of Instituto del Desportes de Aguascalientes
MollySVH: Team VH. Photo used with permission of Instituto del Desportes de Aguascalientes
MollySVH: Phew! Photo used with permission of Instituto del Desportes de Aguascalientes
MollySVH: Congrats from inspiring hour record holder Jim Turner. Photo used with permission of Instituto del Desportes de Aguascalientes
MollySVH: Congrats from inspiring hour record holder Jim Turner. Photo used with permission of Instituto del Desportes de Aguascalientes.
MollySVH: Team VH. Photo used with permission of Instituto del Desportes de Aguascalientes.
MollySVH: Photo used with permission of Instituto del Desportes de Aguascalientes
MollySVH: Photo used with permission of Instituto del Desportes de Aguascalientes
MollySVH: Photo used with permission of Instituto del Desportes de Aguascalientes