MollySVH: Secession-style decor at Restaurant Manna
MollySVH: Rob relaxes at Restaurant Manna
MollySVH: IMG_8479
MollySVH: Secession-style decor at Restaurant Manna
MollySVH: Smoked trout terrine at Restaurant Manna
MollySVH: Roasted Octopus at Restaurant Manna
MollySVH: Looking a little jet-lagged at Restaurant Manna
MollySVH: Our excellent waiter describes the homemade liqueurs at Restaurant Manna
MollySVH: Selection of homemade liqueurs at Restaurant Manna
MollySVH: Skinny cow crossing
MollySVH: Roadside wildflowers
MollySVH: Extreme motorpacing
MollySVH: Near historic Skofja Loka
MollySVH: Historic Skofja Loka
MollySVH: Roadside tower
MollySVH: Characteristic hay drying racks
MollySVH: Countryside church and cemetary
MollySVH: Our neighborhood Trnovo Church
MollySVH: Pre-theater pizza at Foculus
MollySVH: Doug and Andrea in the courtyard of Krizanke (monastery with outdoor theater)
MollySVH: Doug and Andrea in the courtyard of Krizanke (monastery with outdoor theater)
MollySVH: Courtyard of Krizanke (monastery with outdoor theater)
MollySVH: Courtyard of Krizanke (monastery with outdoor theater)
MollySVH: Getting ready for Evita at the Ljubljana Summer Festival
MollySVH: Crowd getting ready for Evita at the Ljubljana Summer Festival
MollySVH: Getting ready for Evita at the Ljubljana Summer Festival
MollySVH: Getting ready for Evita at the Ljubljana Summer Festival
MollySVH: Doug, Rob, and Andrea in the courtyard of Krizanke
MollySVH: Courtyard of Krizanke (monastery with outdoor theater)
MollySVH: Europe's larges underground canjon, in the Skocjan Caves