MollySVH: Beautiful view from Priest Station
MollySVH: Lina ready to present the Kerniposa Donkeycorn to the day's winner
MollySVH: Enjoying a lovely night in Priest Station
MollySVH: Team dinner in Priest Station
MollySVH: The Kerniposa Donkeycorn enjoys the view
MollySVH: Sunset over the Priest Station Cafe
MollySVH: Relaxing with the donkeycorn between stages
MollySVH: Heather won the donkeycorn!
MollySVH: Minty alum Becca ready for a post-race ride
MollySVH: Our minty support crew
MollySVH: Molly claims the time trial prize
MollySVH: Velo Robert with one of his custom-crafted awards
MollySVH: Gale is still smiling!
MollySVH: Molly claims the Greeley Hill RR prize
MollySVH: Brooke with her treasure and t-shirt
MollySVH: Lindsay isn't sure what to make of the Velo Robert award ceremony
MollySVH: Kerniposa Donkeycorn podium
MollySVH: Stage 3 podium: minty sweep!
MollySVH: W12 GC podium
MollySVH: Lina displays her Kerniposa spirit
MollySVH: Joanna hung tough for her t-shirt!
MollySVH: Julie won a t-shirt in addition to the donkeycorn
MollySVH: Jane had a great TT and got a great big t-shirt
MollySVH: Amanda claims her GC treasure and T-shirt
MollySVH: Rikke claims her treasure for 3rd on GC
MollySVH: Molly with GC winner's prize