MollySVH: One of many Tirolian specialties we tried after the racing was over
MollySVH: Town square between rain storms
MollySVH: Rob admires the town square
MollySVH: Pretty post office
MollySVH: We had several nice snacks at this hotel/restaurant
MollySVH: Cheers!
MollySVH: Molly overlooking the town square and bandstand
MollySVH: Rob with so many pretty things in the background
MollySVH: Cool may-poll thing in the town square
MollySVH: Post office and may poll
MollySVH: More Tirolian specialties
MollySVH: At our apartment with a nice gift from our host Karin
MollySVH: Dinner on the town square included a huge Tirolian dumpling
MollySVH: No podium for me in the road race, but my start was on the big screen at the awards ceremony!
MollySVH: Another pretty night in the mountains
MollySVH: Spooky/pretty carved building in St. Johann
MollySVH: Spooky/pretty carved building in St. Johann
MollySVH: Burning my last match
MollySVH: Looking fast but really just dawdling in at the back of the bunch
MollySVH: Flags at the finish line
MollySVH: Up the first climb of the road race
MollySVH: Road race spectators
MollySVH: Road race spectators
MollySVH: Rob with pretty mountain backdrop
MollySVH: Rob warms up to watch the road race
MollySVH: Rob warms up to watch the road race
MollySVH: At dinner with my loot
MollySVH: With my new Aussie friend Heidi
MollySVH: Bronze gets to stand next to Giro winner and world champion Francesco Moser
MollySVH: Flag raising