MollySVH: One of Molly's many salads
MollySVH: Tapas at home
MollySVH: Special Catalan liquor: Ratafia
MollySVH: Mallorca's special liquor: hierbas
MollySVH: Molly likes to collect the local liquors
MollySVH: Andrea enjoys an after-dinner drink
MollySVH: Molly's turron bread pudding sounded like a good idea--execution needs work
MollySVH: Andrea and Molly prepare New Year's tapas
MollySVH: Andrea and Molly prepare New Year's tapas
MollySVH: Rob and Molly survive their first dinner alone in Mallorca
MollySVH: Leftover tapas make a nice lunch for Rob
MollySVH: Before we depart Mallorca--all of the leftovers become tapas!
MollySVH: Sobrasada and eggs--delicious!
MollySVH: Our final breakfast in Mallorca--everything left in the fridge!