MollySVH: Andrea and Robert enjoy dinner
MollySVH: Ben and his beloved Tiramisu
MollySVH: Our last dinner in Florence
MollySVH: Doug and Ben at Pane e Vino
MollySVH: Rob and Doug at Pane e Vino
MollySVH: Rob eats Andrea's beloved rabbit
MollySVH: Doug, Papa Hemingway, and Rob
MollySVH: Molly and Ben at Cafe Hemingway
MollySVH: River Arno reflection
MollySVH: Inside the Duomo
MollySVH: Top of the Duomo
MollySVH: Giotto's Tower
MollySVH: On top of the Duomo
MollySVH: Inside the Dome
MollySVH: San Miniato Organist
MollySVH: Michelangelo's Tomb in Santa Croce
MollySVH: Dinner at GustaVino
MollySVH: Loggia dei Lanzi
MollySVH: View from the Duomo
MollySVH: Molly with our Italian host Giuseppe
MollySVH: After dinner and a show at Teatro de Sale
MollySVH: Brunelleschi's Pazzi Chapel at Santa Croce
MollySVH: Christmas lights from our apartment window
MollySVH: Florentine Christmas cake
MollySVH: Sunny Florence on Christmas day
MollySVH: Florence from above
MollySVH: Doug and Andrea overlooking Florence on Christmas
MollySVH: Christmas morning
MollySVH: Christmas crowds at Piazza Michelangelo
MollySVH: San Miniato Church Ceiling