Fred Duquenne: The speed of light/ St. Croix River Minnesota State Parks
Fred Duquenne: St. Croix River Park_green pool crevasse 1x1
Fred Duquenne: Yellow trees / St. Croix River/ Minnesota State Parks-
Fred Duquenne: Mosaic of the Autumn woods
Fred Duquenne: long stemmed Dahlias
Fred Duquenne: By any other name would smell as sweet
Fred Duquenne: Beetown barn (pop. of 770 Souls)
Fred Duquenne: A bee's bliss
Fred Duquenne: "Green Apple "-echinacea
Fred Duquenne: Stuck In the Middle with You
Fred Duquenne: Washington's monument and reflecting pool, 1969 Ektachrome restoration
Fred Duquenne: Ho -hum .
Fred Duquenne: Made in the Shade
Fred Duquenne: When the day is done . .
Fred Duquenne: Finches don't flinch !
Fred Duquenne: blue winged wasp
Fred Duquenne: In the Court of the Crimson King
Fred Duquenne: Hyacinth bean plant
Fred Duquenne: sombrero pink coneflower
Fred Duquenne: shy tiger
Fred Duquenne: Coral Bells-Orange Hoya filter
Fred Duquenne: doorway
Fred Duquenne: black horse fly [Tabanus atratus]
Fred Duquenne: Begonia for my friend Greta
Fred Duquenne: white yarrow - Achillea millefolium
Fred Duquenne: Wild and blue .
Fred Duquenne: Arizona Red sunshade gaillardia.
Fred Duquenne: Finch nesting
Fred Duquenne: house finch eggs
Fred Duquenne: Gnome Sweet Home