Paul Dawson 2019:
Vancouver House
Paul Dawson 2019:
Golden cone jelly (Heterotextus alpinus)
Paul Dawson 2019:
Snow, fallen on cedars
Paul Dawson 2019:
Rainbow at Maiwa
Paul Dawson 2019:
Bright morning, dark shadows
Paul Dawson 2019:
Automated book storage, UBC Library
Paul Dawson 2019:
UBC Aquatic Centre (No. 2)
Paul Dawson 2019:
UBC Aquatic Centre (No. 1)
Paul Dawson 2019:
The Moon, and waiting
Paul Dawson 2019:
Zelleri's boletes
Paul Dawson 2019:
Bird's nest mushrooms
Paul Dawson 2019:
Streets of Roses
Paul Dawson 2019:
Ghost Car
Paul Dawson 2019:
Spectral (Tree spirit)
Paul Dawson 2019:
Dramatic sunrise
Paul Dawson 2019:
Mossy branch
Paul Dawson 2019:
Elegant mushrooms
Paul Dawson 2019:
Sun and morning mist
Paul Dawson 2019:
Driven (Rush hour downtown (No. 2))
Paul Dawson 2019:
Rush hour downtown (No. 1)
Paul Dawson 2019:
Miniature world
Paul Dawson 2019:
Miniature world (bnw)
Paul Dawson 2019:
Small mushroom
Paul Dawson 2019:
Light and shadow in the woods (No. 2)
Paul Dawson 2019:
Gymnopus luxurians
Paul Dawson 2019:
Clubfoot (Ampulloclitocybe clavipes)
Paul Dawson 2019:
Cauliflower mushroom (Sparassis crispa)
Paul Dawson 2019:
Mycena haematopus (No. 2)
Paul Dawson 2019:
Dark fairy-tale forest
Paul Dawson 2019:
Panellus longinquus