gustl.lex: Nicklheimer Filze / Nicklheim moor
gustl.lex: Fette Beute 2 / Fat prey 2
gustl.lex: Fette Beute 1 / Fat prey 1
gustl.lex: Rotkehlchen / Robin
gustl.lex: Und Abflug / And departure
gustl.lex: Kleiber / Nuthatch
gustl.lex: Cold and cloudy day at Nicklheim moor
gustl.lex: Reger Betrieb am Vogelhaus / Busy at the bird house
gustl.lex: In Schräglage / In sloping position
gustl.lex: Wildern in fremden Gefilden / Poaching in foreign climes
gustl.lex: ... und Abflug / ... and take off
gustl.lex: Kohlmeise / Great Tit
gustl.lex: Dompfaff / Bullfinch
gustl.lex: Buntspecht / Great spotted woodpecker
gustl.lex: Zitronenfalter / Lemon butterfly
gustl.lex: Kohlmeise / Great Tit
gustl.lex: Nickelheimer Filze
gustl.lex: Dompfaff / Bullfinch
gustl.lex: Buntspecht / Great spotted woodpecker
gustl.lex: Kohlmeise / Great Tit
gustl.lex: Dompfaff / Bullfinch