palitrex: not a crime scene
palitrex: back home late
palitrex: old times
palitrex: Underneath
palitrex: rainy afternoons
palitrex: guy in a hoodie
palitrex: the only light source
palitrex: rainy streets at night
palitrex: building's head
palitrex: buddies at the bar
palitrex: warm welcoming of the modern architecture
palitrex: two cameras, two neon lights
palitrex: traffic mirror
palitrex: dead of winter
palitrex: night activity
palitrex: '70s architecture on film
palitrex: curves
palitrex: planned devastation of an old city
palitrex: in and out
palitrex: night shift 5.0
palitrex: doomed
palitrex: secret entrance
palitrex: streets in late autumn
palitrex: night visit 5.0
palitrex: the last house on the left
palitrex: weathered/dirty/beautiful
palitrex: footsteps in the night
palitrex: stepping into the light
palitrex: cold night
palitrex: steel and lights