54A Photography: Aveling & Porter 6093/1906 D2800 Julie
54A Photography: Aveling & Porter 7414/1911 EB075 The Rising Sun
54A Photography: Aveling & Porter 8376/1914 KT2828 Princess Victoria
54A Photography: Aveling & Porter 8601/1915 OT4239 Albion
54A Photography: Aveling & Porter 11450/1926 NS787 Gem
54A Photography: Aveling & Porter 14070/1930 VN2094 Billy Boy
54A Photography: Burrell 3433/1912 AH0108 Peter Pan
54A Photography: Burrell 3453/1913 AH0117 The May
54A Photography: Burrell 3497/1913 AH0150 May Queen
54A Photography: Burrell 3951/1923 RL1978 Supreme
54A Photography: Burrell 4073/1929 VF5265 Nell Gwynn
54A Photography: Foster 12509/1910 UX6727 Maid Marion
54A Photography: Foster 14066/1915 FE1589 Endeavour
54A Photography: Foster 14205/1915 FE1874 Obsession
54A Photography: Foster 14431/1920 FE3217 Robin Hood
54A Photography: Foster 14589/1927 UT2109 Lord of the Isles
54A Photography: Foster 14639/1939 BWV338 John Michael
54A Photography: Fowler 14321/1916 BT4580 Yorkshire Belle
54A Photography: Fowler 14321/1916 BT4580 Yorkshire Belle
54A Photography: Fowler 15970/1924 NW6092 D.C.Ver
54A Photography: Fowler 16236/1924 EC5521 Lady Mary
54A Photography: Fowler 16439/1925 SM5121 Delilah
54A Photography: Fowler 16971/1927 BF9679 Murphy
54A Photography: Fowler 17077/1927 UW1331 The Forest Maiden
54A Photography: Fowler 17506/1928 UA3582 Undaunted
54A Photography: Fowler 17578/1928 UA5597 Evening Queen
54A Photography: Fowler 17585/1928 UA8178 The Wanderer
54A Photography: Fowler 18503/1931 GO5298 Royal Sovereign
54A Photography: Fowler 19481/1935 497UXF Galaxy
54A Photography: Garrett 30959/1912 BJ1458 Cornishman