Joel Pee: Lunch time
Joel Pee: Hey, I'm down here.
Joel Pee: Peep?
Joel Pee: Feed me
Joel Pee: Robin feeding brood
Joel Pee: Anticipation
Joel Pee: The kid is a chick off the old block.
Joel Pee: male robin and chick this morning
Joel Pee: female robin and chick taken this morning
Joel Pee: female robin on nest, 3 beaks, Jul 9 AM
Joel Pee: this afternoon, Mohawk's eyes are open
Joel Pee: Mid-afternoon Jul 9, all chicks have their eyes open
Joel Pee: Mama robin with brood 7-10 morning shot
Joel Pee: Robin chicks, soon to fledge.
Joel Pee: This morning the chick standing was trying out its wings.
Joel Pee: I think the delivery guy is coming from the south.
Joel Pee: The brakes are on, the flaps are set. Now where's the runway?
Joel Pee: 7-12 noon chicks: the last images before they left the nest
Joel Pee: after the fledging