Joel Pee: crystal labradorite in granite
Joel Pee: lechatelierite type fulgurite
Joel Pee: Bismuth crystals
Joel Pee: City of fluorite crystals - macro
Joel Pee: Golden box
Joel Pee: agate slab macro
Joel Pee: geology writ small
Joel Pee: Geology writ HUGE
Joel Pee: pink sketch
Joel Pee: bornite "Peacock ore" macro
Joel Pee: water-worn pebble
Joel Pee: Selenite crystal palace
Joel Pee: Crystal house
Joel Pee: quartz crystal macro
Joel Pee: twinned iron pyrite crystals
Joel Pee: ammonite
Joel Pee: Agate slab
Joel Pee: Blue green agate slab
Joel Pee: Chrysanthemum stone in black light
Joel Pee: Kunzite crystal held in UV light
Joel Pee: Amethyst stalagmite section
Joel Pee: Amethyst stalagmite cross section
Joel Pee: picture stone
Joel Pee: The eyes have it
Joel Pee: vanadinite crystals
Joel Pee: labradorite, a feldspar. Natural color
Joel Pee: Fluorescent minerals in our collection
Joel Pee: Fluorescent minerals in our collection
Joel Pee: Sky castle under water
Joel Pee: Cave speleothems