Joel Pee: Crabapples in fall
Joel Pee: Fall's effect on tropical plant
Joel Pee: Japanese asters
Joel Pee: red vein abutilon
Joel Pee: IMG_3281
Joel Pee: Kale in black and white
Joel Pee: Red Admiral butterfly
Joel Pee: Monarch flare and asters
Joel Pee: red n wet
Joel Pee: White tail deer bokeh
Joel Pee: Rotting tree
Joel Pee: trees in blue
Joel Pee: Bald cypress and maple leaves
Joel Pee: Fall splendor
Joel Pee: Oaks and willow
Joel Pee: Sunflower field in black and white
Joel Pee: Millet
Joel Pee: Ornamental millet
Joel Pee: Jerry FallWall
Joel Pee: I hope it's vine with you.
Joel Pee: 3 leaves
Joel Pee: Shroomscape
Joel Pee: Introducing the Singing Puffballs
Joel Pee: turkeytail mushrooms on log-fall color leaves Edgebrook woods
Joel Pee: An elf hiding behind a toadstool
Joel Pee: Scene on a forest floor
Joel Pee: IMG_3699
Joel Pee: The last sentinel
Joel Pee: Mushroom on mossy log
Joel Pee: Mushroom ennui