Joel Pee: 3 Pelicans floated up to the bar...
Joel Pee: least bittern closeup
Joel Pee: Dinner!...I mean, Snack!
Joel Pee: Red-wing blackbird on cattail
Joel Pee: American Bald eagle
Joel Pee: Great blue heron hunting
Joel Pee: Ghost of a heron
Joel Pee: Juvenile red-tail hawk
Joel Pee: Redwing blackbird on bridge railing
Joel Pee: Robin among crabapple blossoms
Joel Pee: great egret preening along shore
Joel Pee: Bateleur eagle
Joel Pee: When the kid just won't leave home - Explored
Joel Pee: American robin - colorized by nature
Joel Pee: Wood duck's version of the Great A'tuin
Joel Pee: Great blue heron
Joel Pee: Sandhill cranes full moon
Joel Pee: Sandhill cranes fly below full moon
Joel Pee: Green heron
Joel Pee: Stiff competition
Joel Pee: golden pheasant portrait
Joel Pee: red-wing black bird male on cattail stalk
Joel Pee: Scarlet tanager
Joel Pee: A scarlet tanager
Joel Pee: Peacock in red light
Joel Pee: Barn swallow with green dragonfly
Joel Pee: Who you callin' chicken?
Joel Pee: American goldfinch male
Joel Pee: A great blue heron hunts in the shadows
Joel Pee: Red tail hawk in cottonwood tree