NVEM: grey landscape
NVEM: Soft landscape
NVEM: remember autumn
NVEM: sunset
NVEM: layers of blue
NVEM: unfocus
NVEM: Nordby Bakker
NVEM: after rain
NVEM: where does it end ?
NVEM: clouds and water
NVEM: unfocus III
NVEM: green fields
NVEM: curves
NVEM: cloud bridge
NVEM: by the lake
NVEM: couple on the beach
NVEM: the end of the world
NVEM: Fortress of dreams
NVEM: Coastal landscape, Algarve, Portugal
NVEM: rock enlightenment
NVEM: industrial landscape
NVEM: Atlantic coast
NVEM: like sheep
NVEM: layers
NVEM: at the coast
NVEM: beach landscape
NVEM: Small hills left by the melting ice
NVEM: tranquility
NVEM: sea view
NVEM: fishing cottage by the fjord