R.M.Lenox: 1696, António de Oliveira Bernardes, Milagre da Porciúncula (Miracle of Porciúncula) -- Evora Cathedral
R.M.Lenox: 1696, António de Oliveira Bernardes, Chegada de Santa Ines, Irma de Santa Clara, ao Convento (Arrival of Saint Agnes, Sister of Saint Clare, at the Convent) -- Evora Cathedral
R.M.Lenox: 1620 (ca.), Pedro Nunes, Ultima Ceia (The Last Supper) -- Evora Cathedral
R.M.Lenox: 1650 (ca.), Bento Coelho da Silveira, Nascimento da Virgem (Birth of the Virgin) -- Evora Cathedral
R.M.Lenox: 1650 (ca.), [Portuguese], Saint Mary Magdalene -- Evora Cathedral
R.M.Lenox: 1696, António de Oliveira Bernardes, Entrada da Mae de Santa Clara para o Convento (Entrance of the Mother of Saint Clare to the Convent) -- Evora Cathedral