Harold_5056: licking the nector
Harold_5056: from the air
Harold_5056: working
Harold_5056: hunting
Harold_5056: guess i looked friendly
Harold_5056: DSCF0821
Harold_5056: The new, the current and the old
Harold_5056: upside down spider
Harold_5056: Locust
Harold_5056: Which way are we going
Harold_5056: caught in the act
Harold_5056: Loading up
Harold_5056: DSCF1403
Harold_5056: this pollen is so heavy
Harold_5056: stop eating the flowers
Harold_5056: DSCF1623
Harold_5056: damn beetles
Harold_5056: so small
Harold_5056: DSCF5438
Harold_5056: hanging around
Harold_5056: DSCF5273
Harold_5056: DSCF5271
Harold_5056: DSCF5285
Harold_5056: DSCF4828
Harold_5056: DSCF5359
Harold_5056: DSCF5357
Harold_5056: DSCF5309