AnnaLittleAlice: Severe thunderstorm over Ghent
AnnaLittleAlice: Storm over the countryside - small cumulonimbus cloud
AnnaLittleAlice: Storm over the countryside - cumulonimbus cloud
AnnaLittleAlice: Storm over the countryside - a waterfall from the sky
AnnaLittleAlice: Small supercell forming over Beervelde, Belgium
AnnaLittleAlice: Shelf cloud indicating gust front in Waarschoot, Belgium
AnnaLittleAlice: Wall cloud indicating the presence of a tornado
AnnaLittleAlice: Whale's mouth with funnel cloud preceding a severe gale in Waarschoot, Belgium
AnnaLittleAlice: Small rotation over Zandbergen
AnnaLittleAlice: Supercell over Zaffelare
AnnaLittleAlice: Supercell over Zaffelare
AnnaLittleAlice: Supercell over Ghent - 13 March 2020
AnnaLittleAlice: Severe thunderstorm over Ghent - with mesocyclone, visible circulations, shelf cloud and thunderhead at sunset
AnnaLittleAlice: Funnel cloud-producing mesocyclonic storm over Ghent
AnnaLittleAlice: Supercell with multiple mesocyclonic circulations over Ghent
AnnaLittleAlice: Autumn storm over Ghent