djodcolo: A golden eagle sees a bald eagle in the distance
djodcolo: The chase is on
djodcolo: The pair soared overhead
djodcolo: A raven briefly joined in
djodcolo: Having taking care of the bald eagle, the golden rested
djodcolo: It thought it saw something on the ground
djodcolo: Perched on a fence post
djodcolo: Whatever it might have seen is gone
djodcolo: Taking to the air again
djodcolo: Flying at altitude minimum
djodcolo: A red-tailed hawk appears in the distance
djodcolo: The golden makes a banking turn
djodcolo: The red-tail attempts an engagement
djodcolo: The golden fends the hawk off
djodcolo: Making an acrobatic turn
djodcolo: Regaining stability
djodcolo: Gliding away
djodcolo: A perfect backdrop
djodcolo: ...and returning to the nest