djodcolo: Out on the pond, fishing
djodcolo: Rocky Mountain Beeplant
djodcolo: Rocky Mountain Beeplant with bee
djodcolo: Female Kingfisher
djodcolo: Female Kingfisher
djodcolo: Three eastern kingbirds having a discussion
djodcolo: Out on the pond, fishing
djodcolo: Barn Swallow
djodcolo: American Goldfinch
djodcolo: Two northern flickers at odds
djodcolo: Mourning Dove
djodcolo: Busy Bee
djodcolo: Busy Bee
djodcolo: Busy Bee
djodcolo: Busy Bee
djodcolo: Momma Bear
djodcolo: Cubs
djodcolo: The bear family
djodcolo: Leading the family
djodcolo: One cub just wouldn't follow
djodcolo: Mom moves on
djodcolo: The cubs catch up
djodcolo: Overlooking the river
djodcolo: The cub out on the plateau
djodcolo: floppy eared mule deer
djodcolo: Ears at both ends.