djodcolo: Young bald eagle patrolling the plains
djodcolo: Young bald eagle patrolling the plains
djodcolo: Young bald eagle patrolling the plains
djodcolo: Ferruginous hawk circling overhead
djodcolo: Ferruginous hawk circling overhead
djodcolo: The young eagle made a kill , and two ferruginous hawks and a couple of ravens look on
djodcolo: Their attention is drawn to an interloper
djodcolo: The coyote wants that prey
djodcolo: The coyote wants that prey
djodcolo: The eagle flies south, out of range
djodcolo: A mature bald eagle comes in for a lander
djodcolo: A young baldy is chased away
djodcolo: The female bald eagle surveys the surroundings
djodcolo: A young boy and his dog gain her attention
djodcolo: She looks to the ice covered lake to her mate
djodcolo: She decides to head home
djodcolo: She decides to head home
djodcolo: She decides to head home
djodcolo: She decides to head home