djodcolo: The male eagle on a kill
djodcolo: The female sits nearby
djodcolo: She is tired of waiting her turn at the kill
djodcolo: She sneaks up on the male and scares him off
djodcolo: The male circled back
djodcolo: The male circled back
djodcolo: Talons and beak still blood stained
djodcolo: He lands on the branch the female vacated
djodcolo: He lands on the branch the female vacated
djodcolo: Cleaning his talons
djodcolo: Cleaning his beak
djodcolo: Male at rest
djodcolo: Female northern harrier flying along a ditch
djodcolo: Female northern harrier flying along a ditch
djodcolo: No band = male
djodcolo: Male banded kingfisher
djodcolo: Male banded kingfisher