djodcolo: Male keeping a lookout
djodcolo: Four 0wlets at the first burrow
djodcolo: The male at a third burrow
djodcolo: In a stretch
djodcolo: A young coming out of burrow #1
djodcolo: "Look! Up in the sky! Is it a bird? A plane? No, it's Super... nah, it's a plane."
djodcolo: "You're right, it's a plane."
djodcolo: The stare...
djodcolo: Practicing the stare...
djodcolo: You go first!
djodcolo: Owlet yoga!
djodcolo: "Hey, mom! Check out my downward beak!"
djodcolo: "Nice, little yoga master!"
djodcolo: "ACK! ACK!"
djodcolo: "GAAAAAGGG!"
djodcolo: "I'm not going to look!"
djodcolo: Mom on watch
djodcolo: A serious itch!
djodcolo: Ahhhh,,,, that felt good!
djodcolo: Back on alert
djodcolo: Gotta stretch!
djodcolo: Ah, better!
djodcolo: Dad settles into the third burrow
djodcolo: Getting sleepy
djodcolo: Going to bed now...
djodcolo: Now they have to stretch
djodcolo: Mom and an owlet at burrow #2
djodcolo: Mom and an owlet at burrow #2