djodcolo: Female House Sparrows
djodcolo: Song Sparrow with and Itch
djodcolo: Common Yellowthroat
djodcolo: Common Yellowthroat
djodcolo: “I will hold the world hostage for ONE MILLION DOLLARS!”
djodcolo: Female Mallard in Flight
djodcolo: Female Mallard in Flight
djodcolo: Singing Red-winged Blackbird
djodcolo: Great Blue Heron
djodcolo: Great Blue Heron
djodcolo: Tree full of sparrows!
djodcolo: Western Kingbird
djodcolo: Eastern Kingbird
djodcolo: Eastern Kingbird
djodcolo: Double-crested Cormorant
djodcolo: House Finch Pair
djodcolo: Cedar Waxwing
djodcolo: Cedar Waxwing
djodcolo: Cedar Waxwing