djodcolo: Canyon Wren
djodcolo: Canyon Wren
djodcolo: Bushtit
djodcolo: Flying off the handle...
djodcolo: Dark-eyed Junco (I think!)
djodcolo: Dark-eyed Junco, Slate Colored
djodcolo: Dark -eyed Junco
djodcolo: Black-capped Chickadee
djodcolo: House Finch
djodcolo: House Finch
djodcolo: Golden Eagle over Watson Lake
djodcolo: Golden Eagle over Watson Lake
djodcolo: Golden Eagle over Watson Lake
djodcolo: Stopping Traffic
djodcolo: Right Lane Ends
djodcolo: Walking in the neighborhood (yes, that's my car!)
djodcolo: Lounging in the field
djodcolo: Lost on the wrong side of the street
djodcolo: Lost on the wrong side of the street
djodcolo: Lost on the wrong side of the street
djodcolo: Stopping Traffic
djodcolo: Eating apples