djodcolo: Male American Kestrel
djodcolo: Young Red-tailed Hawk minding is own business
djodcolo: She approaches from behind
djodcolo: I'm not sure that the red-tail has seen her yet
djodcolo: "Maybe if I don't move, she'll go away."
djodcolo: NOW he sees her!
djodcolo: He reacts to the pass
djodcolo: She has done her job
djodcolo: Now that she's gone, he takes off
djodcolo: Now that she's gone, he takes off
djodcolo: He puts up a good front in a fly-by
djodcolo: He puts up a good front in a fly-by
djodcolo: He puts up a good front in a fly-by
djodcolo: Winter Goldfinch
djodcolo: Winter Goldfinch
djodcolo: Pink-sided Dark-eyed Junco