djodcolo: Neighborhood Red-tailed Hawk Hunting
djodcolo: Neighborhood Red-tailed Hawk Hunting
djodcolo: Female Northern Harrier Fly-by
djodcolo: Patiently waiting for something to kill
djodcolo: Male Northern Harrier Fly-by
djodcolo: Ah ha! There's something!
djodcolo: Going in for the Kill!
djodcolo: Going in for the Kill!
djodcolo: Going in for the Kill!
djodcolo: Going in for the Kill!
djodcolo: Going in for the Kill!
djodcolo: Going in for the Kill!
djodcolo: Got it!
djodcolo: Got it!
djodcolo: Got it!
djodcolo: Got it!
djodcolo: Another distracting fly-by
djodcolo: Another distracting fly-by
djodcolo: Scoping out the Great Blue Heron