first_reflection: Lewis Madeleine Alice Olive Lydia
first_reflection: Madeleine Alice Olive Lydia
first_reflection: Alice Madeline Lydia Jane Olive Caroline
first_reflection: Alice Madeline Lydia Jane Olive Caroline
first_reflection: Alice Madeline Lydia Jane Olive Caroline
first_reflection: Alice Madeline Lydia Jane Olive Caroline
first_reflection: grandchildren:- Lewis
first_reflection: grandchildren:- Lydia Madeleine Alice
first_reflection: grandchildren:- Lewis Lydia Madeleine
first_reflection: grandchildren:- Lewis Lydia Madeleine Alice
first_reflection: grandchildren:- Lewis Lydia Madeleine Alice
first_reflection: grandchildren:- Lewis Lydia Madeleine Alice
first_reflection: Lewis Lydia Madeleinel
first_reflection: Mick Jane Caroline Geoff
first_reflection: Lowns and Shepherds
first_reflection: Lowns and Shepherds