Robert Yelland Photos of Sefton, Southport and Wes:
Faces between the Standards Lady Diane Memorial Garden Southport. Arm Forces Day 2019
Robert Yelland Photos of Sefton, Southport and Wes:
The Choir. Lady Diane Memorial Garden Southport. Arm Forces Day 2019.
Robert Yelland Photos of Sefton, Southport and Wes:
Veterans. Lady Diane Memorial Garden Southport. Arm Forces Day 2019
Robert Yelland Photos of Sefton, Southport and Wes:
Cadets with standards. Lady Diane Memorial Garden Southport. Arm Forces Day 2019
Robert Yelland Photos of Sefton, Southport and Wes:
Duke of Lancaster Band. Town hall Southport. Arm Forces Day 2019
Robert Yelland Photos of Sefton, Southport and Wes:
March past. Duke of Lancaster Regh. Lord street . Arm Forces Day 2019
Robert Yelland Photos of Sefton, Southport and Wes:
Military Vehicles Lord Street. Arm Forces Day 2019
Robert Yelland Photos of Sefton, Southport and Wes:
British Legion Standards . Lady Diane Memorial Garden Southport. Arm Forces Day 2019
Robert Yelland Photos of Sefton, Southport and Wes:
Standards Lowered. Lady Diane Memorial Garden Southport. Arm Forces Day 2019