sas*: I must have a "Macro" phase right now....
sas*: Poppy
sas*: will you give me that last!
sas*: morning droplets...
sas*: Blue Shar-pei
sas*: my favorite green...
sas*: hello....
sas*: not my type of flower...
sas*: Chinese Shar-Pei Puppies
sas*: we had some rain....
sas*: good morning....
sas*: I'll wait for that beeee...
sas*: I'll take a rest....
sas*: Spider
sas*: Moe, my love...
sas*: droplets...
sas*: my dog!
sas*: my two year old...
sas*: make a wish...
sas*: what is ??
sas*: Spring and its Flowers...
sas*: Chinese Shar-pei Puppies kissing...
sas*: red
sas*: hunting season is "on"...
sas*: white blossom
sas*: 2 backs
sas*: yellow...
sas*: 2/3 of the pack...
sas*: ray of light...
sas*: little life...