dbfam: Fluttering above Long point Beach
dbfam: Seagull - strollin’ down the beach
dbfam: Duck Selfie
dbfam: Fall beauty
dbfam: flying in the spot lights
dbfam: Walnut shopping
dbfam: Dramatic sky
dbfam: Sunset
dbfam: Tew’s Falls
dbfam: Winter Wonders
dbfam: Crowned
dbfam: Spring in full swing.
dbfam: Looking for a better pond
dbfam: Lovely Lilacs
dbfam: Unfolding Beauty
dbfam: Pretty Petals
dbfam: Waiting for wiggly worms
dbfam: Soaring over Lake Erie beach @ Port Burwell
dbfam: hey handsome
dbfam: Portrait of a British White
dbfam: Good morning y’all
dbfam: Daisy flower bud
dbfam: Lunch time
dbfam: I lost my Mama
dbfam: Prickly beauties
dbfam: Duck Portrait
dbfam: Delicate Dogwood tree blooming
dbfam: Hydrated Hydrangea
dbfam: A peony’s heart
dbfam: Nature’s Jewelry