Gunship, rear view
Gunship 2.0, side view
Nausicaa gunship rebuild. Compensates for 3x8 wedges not being available in tan. Uses slopes instead of a cylinder for the fuselage.
Nausicaa gunship rebuild. Compensates for 3x8 wedges not being available in tan. Uses slopes instead of a cylinder for the fuselage.
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind Gunship in LEGO. This version is small. Inspired by Jon Hall's incredible minifig sized version. Sadly at least 4 of the pieces here are not available in tan. Playing around with alternate pieces to compensate.
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind Gunship in LEGO. This version is small. Inspired by Jon Hall's incredible minifig sized version. Sadly at least 4 of the pieces here are not available in tan. Playing around with alternate pieces to compensate.
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind Gunship in LEGO. This version is small. Inspired by Jon Hall's incredible minifig sized version. Sadly at least 4 of the pieces here are not available in tan. Playing around with alternate pieces to compensate.
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind Gunship in LEGO. This version is small. Inspired by Jon Hall's incredible minifig sized version. Sadly at least 4 of the pieces here are not available in tan. Playing around with alternate pieces to compensate.
Nausicaa gunship rebuild. Compensates for 3x8 wedges not being available in tan. Uses slopes instead of a cylinder for the fuselage.
Nausicaa gunship rebuild. Compensates for 3x8 wedges not being available in tan. Uses slopes instead of a cylinder for the fuselage.
Nausicaa gunship rebuild. Compensates for 3x8 wedges not being available in tan. Uses slopes instead of a cylinder for the fuselage.