Lego MOCs from out of this world: 6987 Message-Intercept Base
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 6851 Tri-Wheeled Tyrax
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 6878 Sub Orbital Guardian
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 6861 Blacktron Super Vehicle
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 6933 Spectral Starguider_1
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 6933 Spectral Starguider_2
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 6981 Aerial Intruder
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 6988 Alpha Centauri Outpost
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 1887 Scout Patrol Ship
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 40580 Blacktron Cruiser
Lego MOCs from out of this world: Blacktron Renegade 10355
Lego MOCs from out of this world: Blacktron Renegade 10355