Joe K Gage: Doggie in the water
Joe K Gage: DSC07628
Joe K Gage: DSC07726
Joe K Gage: DSC07722
Joe K Gage: 20220525-A6309049-Edit
Joe K Gage: 20220524-A6308971-Enhanced-NR
Joe K Gage: 20220524-A6308992
Joe K Gage: 20220524-A6308970-Edit
Joe K Gage: 20220524-A6309030
Joe K Gage: 20220629-A6300208-Edit
Joe K Gage: Bluejay on the picnic table
Joe K Gage: 20220629-A6300226-Edit-3
Joe K Gage: 20220629-A6300230
Joe K Gage: 20220629-A6300236
Joe K Gage: 20220629-A6300241
Joe K Gage: 20220629-A6300242
Joe K Gage: Balancing Act
Joe K Gage: 20230506-A6304885-Edit
Joe K Gage: Orchard Oriole Icterus Spurius
Joe K Gage: Eastern Towhee perched
Joe K Gage: Brown-headed cowbird
Joe K Gage: 20230418-A6304650-Enhanced-NR
Joe K Gage: Blue-winged Teal couple out for a swim
Joe K Gage: Maybe a least sandpiper?
Joe K Gage: 20230403-A6304276-Edit
Joe K Gage: 20230403-A6304292-Edit
Joe K Gage: Belted Kingfisher - McDowell Grove, Naperville, IL
Joe K Gage: Red-tailed Hawk looking back
Joe K Gage: Crazy guy out ice fishing
Joe K Gage: Blue heron