Mediocre Noname: Leaves_001
Mediocre Noname: Leaves_002
Mediocre Noname: Foggy Autumn
Mediocre Noname: Foggy Autumn 002
Mediocre Noname: Tiger 001
Mediocre Noname: Iguana 001
Mediocre Noname: Deer 001
Mediocre Noname: Leaves 003
Mediocre Noname: Rose 006
Mediocre Noname: Reed 001
Mediocre Noname: Grape 001
Mediocre Noname: Sky & Clouds
Mediocre Noname: Raven on a wire
Mediocre Noname: Ship on the River 001
Mediocre Noname: Ship on the River 002
Mediocre Noname: Ship on the River 003
Mediocre Noname: Seagull in Flight 003
Mediocre Noname: Seagull in Flight 002
Mediocre Noname: Seagull in Flight 001
Mediocre Noname: Swimming Seagull
Mediocre Noname: Squirrel
Mediocre Noname: Pigeon 001
Mediocre Noname: Raven 002
Mediocre Noname: Branches 001