bow'tai'ed: Daddy being Daddy
bow'tai'ed: My Early Morning Breakfast withTai
bow'tai'ed: My Early Morning Breakfast withTai2
bow'tai'ed: Our Laid Back Dude
bow'tai'ed: The Most Perfect Profile
bow'tai'ed: Checking the Freshness
bow'tai'ed: Momma Mei in her Happy Place
bow'tai'ed: Quite a Mouthful of Leaves
bow'tai'ed: This Piece Smells Perfect
bow'tai'ed: Just about to Crunch
bow'tai'ed: Look at that Smile
bow'tai'ed: Its Really Hard to Floss those Back Teeth
bow'tai'ed: That Pesky Piece is Still Caught in My Teeth
bow'tai'ed: All Smiles
bow'tai'ed: Comfy in his Little Spot
bow'tai'ed: The Most Perfect Panna Boy
bow'tai'ed: The Most Perfect Panna Boy2
bow'tai'ed: The Panda Pied Piper
bow'tai'ed: Tai or Tian
bow'tai'ed: He Said WHAT-
bow'tai'ed: Picture of Contentment
bow'tai'ed: Munch Munch
bow'tai'ed: BOOOtiful Boy
bow'tai'ed: I Know its only Fur but Look at that Tummy
bow'tai'ed: Daddy is So Handsome in Orange
bow'tai'ed: Daddy is So Handsome in Orange2
bow'tai'ed: Mei is so Pretty in Pink
bow'tai'ed: Genteel Momma
bow'tai'ed: Total Enjoyment2
bow'tai'ed: Tian's Opinion