RangefinderNotDead: NEX5 with Canon 50mm 0.95
RangefinderNotDead: NEX5 with Canon 50mm 0.95
RangefinderNotDead: Taylor-Hobson Cooke SPEED PANCHRO SERIII 25mm f/2
RangefinderNotDead: 孫生 (我的鄰居+Leica user)
RangefinderNotDead: 掀起LCD用低角度
RangefinderNotDead: too slow to focus..sigh....
RangefinderNotDead: Martin又鬧人, 真好火
RangefinderNotDead: Winnie giving comments on my site - www.c9leica.com
RangefinderNotDead: 低光源才是這頭的強項
RangefinderNotDead: iso3200 (先開始見顔色雜訊), 與GF1 iso1250相若或更好
RangefinderNotDead: 驚異之iso1600 (very clean indeed)
RangefinderNotDead: Lens testing!
RangefinderNotDead: 舊日歌舞妓町
RangefinderNotDead: Decor reference
RangefinderNotDead: Decor reference
RangefinderNotDead: Decor reference
RangefinderNotDead: Decor reference
RangefinderNotDead: Decor reference
RangefinderNotDead: Japan still have porn movie nowadays..