Aleksander & Milam:
Bruce napping with Lumen - Seattle February 2021
Aleksander & Milam:
Raymond Loewy ceramics & Poole Pottery dish 2021
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle - Dennis reading with Lumen on lap - February 2021
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle - Dennis with 46th Anniversary gifts February 2021; Bruce got chair design books. the new marmot is a Steiff from Germany. the card is of diprotodon(n)tids. Den is wearing an andrewsarchus.
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle - Getting our vaccinations at Amazon Spheres - January 2021 (1)
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle - Getting our vaccinations at Amazon Spheres - January 2021 (2)
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle - Getting our vaccinations at Amazon Spheres - January 2021 (3)
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle - Getting our vaccinations at Amazon Spheres - January 2021 (4)
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle - Getting our vaccinations at Amazon Spheres - January 2021 (5)
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle Burke Museum of Natural and Cultural History , part of a sculptural grouping just up based on local tribal designs 2-2021 (1)
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle Burke Museum 2-2021 (2) Ray Troll's art and imagination. note the desmostylians.
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle Burke Museum 2-2021 (5) Cruising the Coastal Highway exhibition of prehistoric West Coast, by Ray Troll
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle Burke Museum 2-2021 (6) by Ray Troll
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle Burke Museum 2-2021 (11) by Ray Troll. we visited the famous Rhino Cave in central Washington by the Grand Coulee
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle Burke Museum 2-2021 (12) Ray Troll's map of prehistoric Washington sprecies. we have it up and framed at home now for many years
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle Burke Museum 2-2021 (15) by Ray Troll, the rhinos of Washington found in the cave by Grand Coulee that we've visited
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle Burke Museum 2-2021 (19) by Ray Troll, the ages of life on Earth
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle Burke Museum 2-2021 (21) the Terror Bird, found here in Washington State
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Seattle Burke Museum 2-2021 (22A) a favourite dino, an anklyosaur, by Ray Troll
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle Burke Museum 2-2021 (23) sculpture of the Terror Bird that lived in Washington State. we've seen its fossils found around Bellingham
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Seattle Burke Museum 2-2021 (25) the only dinosaur ever found in Washington, a piece of one that ended up drowned. only a tiny sliver of the Gulf Islands in the Salish Sea had dinosaurs, by Ray Troll
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle Burke Museum 2-2021 (26) a favourite, the local aplodontia / mountain beaver. we saw them wild in Discovery Park here.
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle Burke Museum 2-2021 (27) a resident Washington badger
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle Burke Museum 2-2021 (32A) ground sloth and mammoth with Den
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle Burke Museum 2-2021 (33A) this ground sloth was found at the Seattle-Tacoma Airport
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle Burke Museum 2-2021 (34A) mastodons have been found near us
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle Burke Museum 2-2021 Miocene Marine Life of the North American Pacific 2016 by Ray Troll; note the desmostylians, giant stellar sea cow, and early pinnipeds
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle Burke Museum 2-2021 iPhone (1) Den with desmostylian and the Ray Troll exhibition; there have been several ZOOM programs on Ray Troll's art and science that Den has been part of.
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle Burke Museum 2-2021 iPhone (4) Den wore his demostylian shirt for the Ray Troll exhibition full of desmos. Den takes part in several weekly paleo programs on ZOOM from Yukon, tennessee, and other places.
Aleksander & Milam:
Seattle Burke Museum 2-2021 iPhone (5)by Ray Troll