Aleksander & Milam: oreodont fossils at the Paleo-Geo Museum, Bellingham
Aleksander & Milam: mosasaur fossils Paleo-Geo Museum, Bellingham
Aleksander & Milam: the Paleo-Geo Museum in Bellingham at Western Washington University is part of a building of classrooms built into it. there is an atrium of flying reptile mobiles.
Aleksander & Milam: Paleo-Geo Museum in Bellingham
Aleksander & Milam: coryphodons like these were found in Bellingham, at the Paleo-Geo Museum
Aleksander & Milam: early large mammals, coryphodons, were found in and around Bellingham. at the Paleo-Geo Museum.
Aleksander & Milam: fossil tapirs were found on and near the Paleo-Geo Museum in Bellingham, Washington at Western Washington University, where this is located..
Aleksander & Milam: hyaenadons were found near the Paleo-Geo Museum in Bellingham.
Aleksander & Milam: diatrymas in Bellingham, at the Paleo-Geo Museum
Aleksander & Milam: diatryma at Paleo-Geo Museum in Bellingham
Aleksander & Milam: a diatryma at the Paleo-Geo Museum in Bellingham
Aleksander & Milam: where the Alaska Ferry lines terminate in the lower 48 States. Bellingham, Washington
Aleksander & Milam: Bellingham, Washington
Aleksander & Milam: Bellingham, Washington
Aleksander & Milam: Fairhaven Historic District, Bellingham
Aleksander & Milam: Bruce in the Fairhaven Historic District, Bellingham
Aleksander & Milam: the gardens of home, Melrose Terrace, Seattle
Aleksander & Milam: pear tree at home, Melrose Terrace, Seattle
Aleksander & Milam: pear tree in bloom at our home Melrose Terrace, Seattle
Aleksander & Milam: cherry tree at home, Melrose Terrace, Seattle
Aleksander & Milam: cherry blossoms on our street, Seattle
Aleksander & Milam: forsythia at Dharma Buddies, Seattle
Aleksander & Milam: Volunteer Park, Seattle near our home
Aleksander & Milam: Bruce with daffodils and cherry blossoms in Volunteer Park on Capitol Hill, Seattle
Aleksander & Milam: springtime near our home, Seattle
Aleksander & Milam: Cornish College of the Arts a few blocks from us, where we see so many free classical music concerts.
Aleksander & Milam: a view from Capitol Hill near our home, Seattle showing Puget Sound and the snowy Olympic Mountains
Aleksander & Milam: we had our 8th snowfall of the winter in early March, here from our home. Seattle.
Aleksander & Milam: the Conservatory in Volunteer Park with some of our thousands of cherry, pear, and apple blossoms. Seattle.
Aleksander & Milam: a favorite red cedar in Volunteer Park, Seattle