Aleksander & Milam: den at the stanford art museum palo alto, california
Aleksander & Milam: cascade mountains of washington
Aleksander & Milam: cascade mountains of washington
Aleksander & Milam: all aboard. the daily train to san francisco from our suburb. doubledeckers with nice view. frequent schedule.
Aleksander & Milam: SF Botanical Gardens
Aleksander & Milam: SF Botanical Gardens , grove of native california plants included a dark cool grove of redwoods
Aleksander & Milam: one of many gray squirrels in the SF Botanical Gardens
Aleksander & Milam: the San Francisco Botanical Gardens
Aleksander & Milam: San Francisco Botanical Gardens
Aleksander & Milam: mahonia in the SF botanical gardens
Aleksander & Milam: japanese tea house San Francisco Botanical Gardens
Aleksander & Milam: academy of sciences, san franciso natural history museum, aquarium, indoor rainforest
Aleksander & Milam: de young museum of american art san francisco golden gate park
Aleksander & Milam: de young museum of american art san francisco
Aleksander & Milam: california sabertooth in front of the academy of sciences, san francisco
Aleksander & Milam: to be able to touch 3 + billion year old rock, california academy of sciences
Aleksander & Milam: world's largest bird ever, the very recently extinct elephant bird of madagascar, next to an ostrich. california academy of sciences museum, san francisco
Aleksander & Milam: proto-mammal skull from before the dinosaurs. Academy of Science San Francisco
Aleksander & Milam: living south african protea, a living fossil San Francisco Academy of Sciences
Aleksander & Milam: Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. a researcher there had studied thousands of sea lion skulls found dead in the city and studied them his whole career.
Aleksander & Milam: the 4 level living rainforest inside the Academy of Sciences in San Francisco
Aleksander & Milam: the living rainforest in the Academy of Sciences, SF, has lots of living birds, lizards, fish, butterflies, etc. this is a madagascar plated lizard.
Aleksander & Milam: San Francisco, from the top of the rainforest down into the bottom floor aquarium. academy of sciences, SF
Aleksander & Milam: academy of sciences San Francisco
Aleksander & Milam: the myriad paths that elephant seals use feeding across the pacific,at sea most of the year. all in US breed in california/acad,. of sciences,san francisco
Aleksander & Milam: academy of sciences museum aquarium San Francisco
Aleksander & Milam: academy of sciences rainforest, San Francisco
Aleksander & Milam: agouti San Francisco acad.of sciences museum
Aleksander & Milam: academy of sciences San Francisco
Aleksander & Milam: passion flower San Francisco Academy of Sciences