lieber_matthew: Early morning, not the Madison Hut
lieber_matthew: From Madison, looking at star lake and Adams
lieber_matthew: Atop Madison
lieber_matthew: Atop Madison
lieber_matthew: Atop Madison
lieber_matthew: Mt. Madison
lieber_matthew: Atop Mt. Madison, looking toward Howker ridge
lieber_matthew: Madison looking toward Adams
lieber_matthew: Nearby the Madison Hut: Washington in the distance
lieber_matthew: Star Lake
lieber_matthew: Star Lake
lieber_matthew: Setting moon over Adams
lieber_matthew: Ascending Adams, star lake and Mt. Madison
lieber_matthew: Mt. Adams
lieber_matthew: Atop Adams
lieber_matthew: Atop Jefferson
lieber_matthew: Atop Jefferson
lieber_matthew: Mt. Jefferson (self-portrait)
lieber_matthew: Mt. Jefferson
lieber_matthew: Into the Great Gulf
lieber_matthew: Mid- Gulfside
lieber_matthew: Atop Clay
lieber_matthew: Mt. Clay [Reagan]
lieber_matthew: Atop Washington
lieber_matthew: Mt. Washington
lieber_matthew: Mt. Monroe
lieber_matthew: Mt. Franklin
lieber_matthew: Mt. Eisenhower
lieber_matthew: Mt. Eisenhower
lieber_matthew: Mt. Pierce