Keith Olstad: Double-crested Cormorant, Sherburne NWR 9561
Keith Olstad: Double-crested Cormorant, juvenile, Bass Ponds, MN Valley NWR 2329
Keith Olstad: Great Blue Heron, juvenile, Wood Lake Nature Center, Richfield 9437
Keith Olstad: Great Egret, Old Cedar Ave Bridge, MN Valley NWR 2036
Keith Olstad: Great Egret, Old Cedar Ave Bridge, MN Valley NWR 2042
Keith Olstad: Green Heron, Veterans Memorial Park, Richfield 9900
Keith Olstad: Trumpeter Swan, juvenile, Old Cedar Avenue Bridge, MN Valley NWR 2424
Keith Olstad: Trumpeter Swan, juvenile, Old Cedar Ave Bridge, MN Valley NWR 2466
Keith Olstad: Canada Goose, Old Cedar Avenue Bridge, MN River NWR 1948
Keith Olstad: White-fronted Goose with Canada Goose, Running Park, Bloomington 2094
Keith Olstad: Mallard pair, Old Cedar Avenue Bridge, MN River NWR 2021
Keith Olstad: Green-winged Teal, Old Cedar Avenue Bridge, MN River NWR 1926
Keith Olstad: Bufflehead male among Mallards & single Canada goose, Lake Harriet, Minneapolis 2630
Keith Olstad: Bufflehead, male, among American Coot, Mallard, Gadwall & Hooded Merganser, Lake Harriet, Minneapolis 2646
Keith Olstad: Northern Harrier, female, Cedar Creek Ecology Science Reserve 9785
Keith Olstad: Northern Harrier, female, Cedar Creek Ecology Science Reserve 9791 1
Keith Olstad: Red-tailed Hawk, juvenile, Wood Lake Nature Center, Richfield 2585
Keith Olstad: Bald Eagle, recently fledged juvenile, Wood Lake Nature Center, Richfield 0067 1
Keith Olstad: Ring-necked Pheasant, juveniles, Murphy Hanrehan Park Reserve 9919
Keith Olstad: Wild Turkey, Visitor Center, MN Valley NWR 2552
Keith Olstad: Sora, juvenile, 140th Street Marsh, Dakota County 9298 1
Keith Olstad: Lesser Yellowlegs, one-legged, with Blue-winged Teal, female, in foreground, Mayer, MN 0920
Keith Olstad: Spotted Sandpiper, Wood Lake Nature Center, Richfield 9853
Keith Olstad: Pectoral Sandpiper, juvenile, Mayer, MN 0950
Keith Olstad: Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Mayer, MN 0915
Keith Olstad: Baird's with Least Sandpiper, Mayer, MN 0964
Keith Olstad: Stilt Sandpiper, Mayer, MN 0939
Keith Olstad: Short-billed Dowitcher, Mayer, MN 0957
Keith Olstad: Wilson's Snipe, Old Cedar Ave Bridge, MN Valley NWR 2059
Keith Olstad: Black Tern, Sherburne NWR 9533 1