Keith Olstad:
Double-crested Cormorant, juvenile, Bass Ponds, MN Valley NWR 2329
Keith Olstad:
Double-crested Cormorant, juvenile, Bass Ponds, MN Valley NWR 2321
Keith Olstad:
Great Egret, Great Blue Heron, Long Meadow Lake, Minnesota Valley NWR 4684
Keith Olstad:
Great Egret, Old Cedar Ave Bridge, MN Valley NWR 2036
Keith Olstad:
Great Egret, Old Cedar Ave Bridge, MN Valley NWR 2042
Keith Olstad:
Trumpeter Swan family, Old Cedar Avenue Bridge, MN River NWR 1913
Keith Olstad:
Black Swan (probably escaped domestic), Old Cedar Ave Bridge, MN Valley NWR 2205
Keith Olstad:
Canada Goose, Old Cedar Ave Bridge, MN Valley NWR 2029
Keith Olstad:
Canada Goose, Old Cedar Avenue Bridge, MN River NWR 1948
Keith Olstad:
White-fronted Goose with Canada Goose, Running Park, Bloomington 2094
Keith Olstad:
Wood Duck, Old Cedar Avenue bridge, Bloomington 4666
Keith Olstad:
Wood Duck, male, Bass Ponds, MN Valley NWR 4292
Keith Olstad:
Mallard pair, Old Cedar Avenue bridge, Bloomington 4578
Keith Olstad:
Mallard pair, Old Cedar Avenue bridge, Bloomington 4580
Keith Olstad:
Mallard drake, Old Cedar Ave Bridge, MN Valley NWR 2244
Keith Olstad:
Mallard hen & ducklings, Old Cedar Avenue bridge, Bloomington 4626
Keith Olstad:
Green-winged Teal, Old Cedar Avenue Bridge, MN River NWR 1926
Keith Olstad:
Hooded Merganser, male & female, Old Cedar Ave Bridge, MN Valley NWR 2183
Keith Olstad:
Cooper's Hawk, juvenile, Bass Ponds, Bloomington 9633
Keith Olstad:
Cooper's Hawk, juvenile, Bass Ponds, Bloomington 9637
Keith Olstad:
Red-tailed Hawk, Running Park, Bloomington2086
Keith Olstad:
Red-tailed Hawk, juvenile, Bass Ponds, MN Valley NWR 2129
Keith Olstad:
Red-tailed Hawk, juvenile, Bass Ponds, MN Valley NWR 2140
Keith Olstad:
Bald Eagle, Old Cedar Ave Bridge, MN Valley NWR 2232
Keith Olstad:
American Coot, Old Cedar Avenue Bridge, MN River NWR 1894
Keith Olstad:
Sandhill Cranes, with Canada Geese, Old Cedar Ave Bridge, MN Valley NWR 2024
Keith Olstad:
Solitary Sandpiper, Old Cedar Avenue bridge, Bloomington 4639
Keith Olstad:
Lesser Yellowlegs, Long Meadow Lake, MN Valley NWR 4321
Keith Olstad:
Spotted Sandpiper, Old Cedar Avenue Bridge 5277
Keith Olstad:
Caspian Tern, Long Meadow Lake, MN Valley NWR 4335