Keith Olstad: Green Heron, Wood Lake Nature Center, Richfield 0882
Keith Olstad: Black-throated green warbler, another Minnesota migrant 1429
Keith Olstad: Golden-winged Warbler, Camp Grow, WI 4329
Keith Olstad: Yellow Warbler, male, Old Cedar Avenue Bridge 8452
Keith Olstad: Yellow Warbler, male, Wood Lake Nature Center 2820
Keith Olstad: Miraflor08 4816
Keith Olstad: male Wilson's warbler 2540
Keith Olstad: Nashville warbler, Hok-si-la 9110
Keith Olstad: Chestnut-sided Warbler, male, Bass Ponds 1465
Keith Olstad: Black-and-white Warbler, male, Hok-si-lah 1300
Keith Olstad: American Redstart, male, Hok-si-la 9113
Keith Olstad: A Blue-headed vireo, another species that migrates to Minnesota 1219
Keith Olstad: Eastern bluebird 4009
Keith Olstad: Rose-breasted grosbeak male, Camp Grow 4423
Keith Olstad: Rose-breasted grosbeak male, Camp Grow 4387
Keith Olstad: Eastern Meadowlark, Salt Lake, Madison, MN 0519
Keith Olstad: Baltimore Oriole, Wood Lake Nature Center, Richfield 0838