LegoBilly: IMG_6024 rented bikes and james just locked them up
LegoBilly: IMG_6025 waiting for breakfast
LegoBilly: IMG_6026 wall
LegoBilly: IMG_6029 train
LegoBilly: IMG_6032 gargoyle
LegoBilly: IMG_6033 james and the giant curch
LegoBilly: IMG_6034 deatil
LegoBilly: IMG_6036 tower
LegoBilly: IMG_6038 a sticker soon to be on my wallet
LegoBilly: IMG_6039 jesus
LegoBilly: IMG_6040 where the church was damaged during world war 2
LegoBilly: IMG_6042 Koln
LegoBilly: IMG_6043 Koln
LegoBilly: IMG_6045leonard cohen
LegoBilly: IMG_6046 toy store
LegoBilly: IMG_6047 toy store
LegoBilly: IMG_6048 cafe we fell in love with
LegoBilly: IMG_6049 looking out
LegoBilly: IMG_6050 ceiling light
LegoBilly: IMG_6051 james is happy
LegoBilly: IMG_6053 taking a picture
LegoBilly: IMG_6054 a picutre of a picture
LegoBilly: IMG_6055 what he saw
LegoBilly: IMG_6052 espresso
LegoBilly: IMG_6058 preserves
LegoBilly: IMG_6059 grapefruit and peach juice
LegoBilly: IMG_6060 orange juice
LegoBilly: IMG_6061 honey
LegoBilly: IMG_6062 blue berry jam
LegoBilly: IMG_6063 a collection for breakfast