prophead: "The Horn Section from Hell"
prophead: Byron Jamming
prophead: Byron having fun
prophead: Byron walking the plank
prophead: Jordan Plays Guitar
prophead: Mark
prophead: Byron sits on the bar
prophead: Jordan Rocks the Guitar
prophead: Edna Love brings smiles
prophead: The bar loves it
prophead: Guitar Pyrotechnics
prophead: Martin Fierro sits in
prophead: Bass
prophead: Byron Brings the Bass
prophead: Electric Fierro
prophead: MartinsGoldenSax
prophead: Byron's Shot Glass Slide
prophead: Martin, Mark C. and Daoud
prophead: Martin On Vocals, Mark C. on Bass
prophead: No Look Solo
prophead: Bar Guitar
prophead: Duet
prophead: MAC Daddy
prophead: Fast Hands
prophead: Solos and Service
prophead: Leaning Tower of Byron
prophead: King of the Bar
prophead: Byron gets high
prophead: Six Plus Four Does Not Equal Ten
prophead: Drum Solo