her third eye: 60/365 week 9 theme lines 1/7
her third eye: 61/365 week 9 theme lines 2/7
her third eye: 62/365 week 9 theme lines 3/7
her third eye: 63/365 week 9 theme lines 4/7
her third eye: 64/365 week 9 theme | lines |5/7 (one of my favorite finds from an estate sale $5) :)
her third eye: 65/365 week 9 theme | lines | 6/7
her third eye: 66/365 week 9 theme | lines | 7/7
her third eye: 67/365 week 10 |selective color| |green|
her third eye: 68/365 week 10 |selective color| |gold|
her third eye: 69/365 week 10 |selective color| |red|
her third eye: 70/365 week 10 |selective color| |grey|
her third eye: 71/365 week 10 |selective color| |blue|
her third eye: 72/365 week 10 |selective color| |blue|
her third eye: 73/365 week 10 |selective color|
her third eye: 74/365 week 11 |negative space|
her third eye: 75/365 week 11 |negative space|
her third eye: 76/365 week 11 |negative space|
her third eye: 77/365 week 11 |negative space|
her third eye: 78/365 week 11 |negative space|
her third eye: 79/365 week 11 |negative space| happy Friday !!!
her third eye: 80/365 week 11 |negative space|
her third eye: 81/365 week 12 |food photography| Zaatar bread
her third eye: 82/365 week 12 |food photography| food makes the gathering!
her third eye: 83/365 week 12 |food photography| mistress of the candy jar!
her third eye: 84/365 week 12 |food photography| roasted
her third eye: 85/365 week 12 |food photography| our deep dish hot vegan mess last night from Masa at Echo Park. Super delish!
her third eye: 86/365 week 12 |food photography| random late night hotel feast
her third eye: 87/365 week 12 |food photography|
her third eye: 88/365 week 13 |out of focus|
her third eye: 89/365 week 13 |out of focus|