giorgi_: gathered pullover
giorgi_: gathered pullover
giorgi_: Gathered Pullover beginning
giorgi_: scarf
giorgi_: malabrigo and mohair
giorgi_: more sleeves
giorgi_: easy garter vest
giorgi_: gina's cap
giorgi_: finally... a pair
giorgi_: corkscrew scarf
giorgi_: IMG_0704.JPG
giorgi_: eyelet cardigan from the back
giorgi_: eyelet cardigan aka easy lace cardigan
giorgi_: IMG_0602.JPG
giorgi_: blocking Sal's vest
giorgi_: katherine hepburn cardigan
giorgi_: Blue Sky Alpaca Eyelet Cardigan
giorgi_: slow progress
giorgi_: working the sleeves
giorgi_: KHC progress
giorgi_: IMG_1568.JPG
giorgi_: Katharine Hepburn Cardigan
giorgi_: Garter Yoke Cardi
giorgi_: Garter Yoke Cardigan
giorgi_: Garter Yoke Cardigan
giorgi_: Mr. Greenjeans
giorgi_: 5 buttons