crochetbug13: A long abandoned project in search of a use
crochetbug13: Repurposed squares made into a felted bag
crochetbug13: Repurposed squares made into a felted bag
crochetbug13: In the process of repurposing
crochetbug13: Clooney's pet mat before felting
crochetbug13: Clooney's pet mat before felting
crochetbug13: Clooney's pet mat before felting
crochetbug13: Clooney's pet mat after felting
crochetbug13: A felted pet mat for Clooney
crochetbug13: My dining table/desk in need of "coasters"
crochetbug13: The transformation begins
crochetbug13: I finish decorating each circle
crochetbug13: The other side of a felted table coaster-to-be
crochetbug13: One side of a felted table coaster-to-be
crochetbug13: The other side of the first completed table coaster
crochetbug13: One side of the first completed table coaster
crochetbug13: The other side of three table coasters to be ready for felting
crochetbug13: One side of three table coasters to be ready for felting
crochetbug13: The two sides of a table coaster to be